Thursday, September 2, 2010

Your MLM Business Plan - nothing Lucky!

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My wife and I went for some Chinese food late on Friday. At the end of the meal, I always enjoy reading the note in the fortune cookie. I was surprised that I'm actually thinking about my MLM business plan.

My fortune cookie said, was this:

"Luck happens when hard work meets opportunity."

For the rest of the night I really thought that this little saying. You see, too often we tend to use and where to say:"It has so much happiness" or "she was lucky in the right place at the right time." This is what we do not see that we do not understand the rule.

I know that over $ 10 dollars was occasional winnings on a lottery ticket, my "luck" is usually created by a lot of hard work. It 'hard work that the work you put in your MLM business without knowing that the result is your "happiness" to the end.

I recently received email from a person who was on ateleseminar I conducted. He said how pleased he was with MLM, a solid background in Internet marketing involves me, before I was, and began to build my online business.

To be honest, "luck" had nothing to do with it. I spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars for my education, so that when I put my MLM business plan for success, "happiness" seemed to follow me.

Successful entrepreneurs know that hard work is the only thing to bring in the willWinners Circle. Unfortunately, many people involved in MLM only on an emotional level - and we have no burning desire to be needed will be to create wealth. I'm still stuck on the lottery ticket mentality, and do not understand, says that the best fortune cookie "Luck happens when hard work meets opportunity."

To begin your "luck" out now by clicking the link in the resource box.

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