Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tattoo Ideas - symbols of happiness

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Everyone has different ideas of what is to be happy. The standard symbols of luck and happiness are diamonds, horseshoes, a rabbit's foot, a four-leaf clovers, the number seven, and nuts.

religious implications, the number is seven, said to be happy, because according to the Bible, God created the heavens and the earth in six days and rested the seventh day. There are seven virtues and seven deadly sins, and Jesus counseled to forgive Petersome seventy times seven.

A horseshoe, which shows two ends is lucky as a blacksmith named Saint Dunstan nailed a horseshoe to the hoof of the devil, the pain caused to him. A rabbit foot is lucky, because it is a powerful and very useful charm.

A Four Leaf Clover is sometimes associated with love, faith and love. The fourth leaf, the smallest is that the three leaves is happiness. In Christian tradition, the first threeThe leaves are often the Holy Trinity, while the fourth is the grace of God, the Four Leaf Clover is very rare and are likely to be around 10 000 to 1.

A tattoo of a diamond is also lucky, because it symbolizes the immunity and protection from destruction perpetuated in the past, present and future of life. The cubes are cubes known numbers used in games. The result and the end of a game depends in each litter. Dice is a lucky numberbecause there is a chance to win not only in gambling, but also significantly in the game of life.

As a tattoo design, the horseshoe, the four-leaf clover, rabbit's foot are the diamonds and the nut all the symbols of luck and happiness. Whatever you choose, design, our life does not always depend on luck. Luck is only a faith and traditions of different peoples. The design is just an idea of what a man wants in life or their personal expression. Eventuallythe day, life is what you make of it.

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