Saturday, October 30, 2010

Astrology Gemini Lucky Days - Horoscope Modifiers Numerology

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People in the end date of May 21 to June 20 Born, the sign of Gemini horoscope. As a Gemini, you probably know your basic Horoscope for the year, but did you know that there are six days per month that you are lucky, simply because of your sign? Just what are your days Gemini lucky number?

Your date of birth

In Numerology, birth dates are always lucky day for you. Thus, in addition to the data below, add your date of birth.For example, actress Angelina Jolie was born in 1975 on June 4, would add 4 June, days happy list.

Universal Days

Days when the Universal day number matches the number of walks of life are very happy for you. The universe tends to flow towards you in those days. Your Life Path number is calculated by adding all the digits of your birth date calculated by adding fadic. Path of Life Angelina Jolie is a number (5), as shownbelow:

Life Path Number = (06 + 04 + 1975) = (1985) = (1 + 9 + 8 + 5) = (23) = (5).

We determine July 7, 2007 Jolie is a happy day for Angelina. The Universal Day number is five, which corresponds to their way of life.

Universal Day (07/07/2007) = (7 + 7 + 2007) = (2021) = (5)

This calculation for each day is difficult, but you can pre-calculate the monthly total, and reduce side fadic first.

Gemini calendar

Six daysof each month are specifically lucky for Gemini. They are:

For January: 1, 9, 19, 20, 27 and 28.

For February: 5, 6, 11, 21, 23 and 25.

For March: 6, 9, 15, 20, 30 and 31.

For April: 1st, 5th, 7th, 16th, 17:24.

For May: 3rd, 6th, 7th, 17th, 24th and 25th.

For June: 3rd, 7th, 9th, 13, 25 and 26.

For July: 2nd, 9th, 10, 19, 23, and29.

By August 7, 14, 21, 24, 25 and 27.

For September: 3rd, 11, 12, 17, 21 and 26.

For October: 1, 9, 17, 19, 23 and 28.

For November: 5, 9, 15, 23, 24 and 30.

For December: 1st, 7th, 11th, 12th, 21:25.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Scorpio Astrology Lucky Days - Horoscope Modifiers From Numerology

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The people in the days of October 24 to November 22 Born, astrology zodiac sign of Scorpio. As a Scorpio, you probably know your basic Horoscope, but did you know that there are more than 70 days a year that you are lucky, simply because of your sign? Just what are Scorpio lucky day?

Your date of birth

In numerology, the date of birth is your lucky day for you. So if your date of birth, the list of add> Good morning following. For example, Senator Hillary Clinton was born in 1947 in the 26th October, 26th October to be added in their list of lucky days of October.

Universal Days

Days when the universal number is the day the Life Path number are also lucky for you. The universe supports your actions on this special day. Calculate your life by adding all the digits of your date of birth and therefore reduce the amount of fadic.Way of life of Hillary Clinton is a three-as follows:

Life Path = (10 + 26 + 1947) = (1983) = (21) = (3).

October 2, 2007 One example is a lucky day for Hillary Clinton. The Universal Day number three is, suitable to the path of life.

Universal Day (02/10/2007) = (10 + 2 + 2007) = (2019) = (12) = (3).

This calculation for each day is very difficult, but it is already possible to calculate the year and month of the sum (10 + 2007) = (1), and then just addthis value to the number of days, and then sum the result. (1 + 2) = (3).

Scorpio calendar

Up to six days of each month are particularly lucky for scorpions. They are:

For January: 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th, and 22.

For February: 3rd, 9, 17, 18, 24 and 27.

For March: 1st, 6th, 15, 20, 25 and 29.

For April: 2, 3, 12, 17, 21 and 29.

For May 5, 10, 11, 15, 19 and27.

For June: 6, 11, 15, 19, 23 and 25.

For July 4, 5, 9, 17, 21 and 30.

August: 5th, 9, 13, 17, 18 and 27.

For September: 9, 10, 12, 23, 27 and 28.

For October: 2, 3, 11, 20, 25 and 29.

For November: 2nd, 6th, 16, 17, 23 and 30.

For December: 2nd, 6th, 16, 17, 23 and 30.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Like a game called Lucky Bingo

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It 'annoying to see other people winning streaks. All his actions and felt that they start thinking of bringing good luck. They begin to imitate some of their rituals, and surprisingly, you can experience the winning streak. If you become a regular at the bingo hall, one can not help but add some superstition and develop some. You will find it difficult to explain, but it is obvious that we win thanks to them and that's what counts.

Find a LuckySeat

One of the most popular superstition in bingo is the lucky seat. If you are a regular, you will learn that the particular site, where you have just won three times on a Friday afternoon love. From that point on, you realize that your happiness on the seat. If someone tries to get in shape for this fight to be certainly happy Seat Stealer there. E 'can also be told to move, if you're a first timer andlocated randomly sitting on their luck. transmitted just before things get too ugly.

Other examples of things Lucky

A majority of bingo players (75%) brings them luck with the transition to a game, stats are kind of lucky show.There including bracelets, key rings, lucky coins and stuffed animals. There are also players of bingo, the numbers are lucky and look at their cards. A player can choose a card with a different advertisingThe players, the number is the one with his happiness, if the person does not lose his lucky number too. This "lucky" things can a person feel good and think positively to earnings in turn can attract.

Understanding Bingo Odds

Dividing the number of cards you have in the total number of cards in a bingo game will give you the chance to win, but simply increasing the cards are not necessarily the better the chances. You need the right amount of cards that you can handleso that the chances of landing to reduce the confusion and lack of a victory. A ball can not be a greater chance of note than other balls. Since the balls have not been manipulated by course.Thinking that a number has been called a good chance that is bad is called again. Bingo is after all a game of chance and called a number 3 or 4 times in a row, totally by accident.

So what will allow you toWin?

Some techniques to increase your chances. Keep away from a crowd is a good way to improve concentration and control the odds your way to improve your odds. Buy as many cards that can help manage confused.It without even a map to choose different numbers. This is how the probabilities of all the cards to come. Above all, think positive! The game will have more fun and good atmosphereattract more wins.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Learning to Love Lucky Dating in your life

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If you want happiness in your love, you what you think of. That one thing is that luck has nothing to do. You have to be smart, you have to be smart, and you have a good person, which is open to romance.

In particular, women may think that they can not, with luck in love life, because they have tried before and failed. More than likely, he was otherwise not lucky enough to have as much as it wasThese stupid mistakes in their reports.

Some of the stupid things to do in life women the chance to sabotage their happiness in love.

The first mistake that can sabotage happiness in love is always drunk on a date. Especially in the early relationship with a stick - maybe two glasses of wine.

Not as funny or brave swept. It makes you strong, unattractive, and insolent to do more often than not to say or anything that might embarrassand the end of the report.

Do not be nervous the day before or the second or third and talk and talk and talk and just continue.

Eveready bunny can keep this small and go go and go and it's nice and he might even luck in her love life, but you are only interested in themselves.

Find something about you, but more time to ask him, and then listen in silence and being. will be on your willingness to bloom with a little 'luck, your love lifeYour family and decency in public.

Another thing, sticky and can not really help, in love the opportunity to appear cheap. Okay to take some time to go and check or Dutch. They do not seem like a dispenser of both, but can always order the salad and water look like a penny pincher true and that is not attractive.

Another related no-no is to ask for a bag of dog. Do not do it until you're so in the report, or untildoes so first.

The discussions of bodily functions can really spoil the happiness you have stumbled in your love life may have. There's nothing like a little talk 'obstruction of the right passion in the evening.

The other thing that can really give some bad luck in love for other women in the race for him - especially if you do not know who he is.

Worse still, no matter how he his ex-wife or ex-lovers never trashes his own garbage cansympathize and say things like, "I can see why this type of behavior would probably be disturbing," but if you say: "You're right, it's junk," is much more likely to be listening to him defend it. It will not be attractive to him, then right at all.

You can use a little 'luck in love only when you make your own luck.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wedding Day Rain

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There is an old saying, stimulate your wedding Omen is a fortune. The Italians have a proverb that says, "wet bride, lucky bride", which means that a wet bride is a delight. In the United States is often repeated, Luckily the rain, even though most brides would prefer to spend less fortunate a dry day and a bit '!

Rain is also a marriage of good luck in Germany, Sweden and France. This may be associated with an account full of rainHarvest and therefore fertility. Some believe that Ranieri producing the wedding day, the children in marriage. (So if you get married in a downpour, I would expect three twins!)

But not all lucky the rain, consider the old saying: "It is the bride that the sun shone on. Happy" There are many superstitions, it is said to ward off the rain on your wedding day. One is your cat the morning of the wedding food (this isstrange - you do not have your cat every morning)?. Catholics can prevent a rosary hanging on the day of their marriage, in time for the rain for the ceremony. Avoid In some parts of Spain, to encourage the bride or the mother can provide a dozen freshly laid eggs to the nuns of St. Clear.

If you consider a happy rain or not to sign, there's always a chance that will fall on your wedding day. Rains less of a problem, plan aheadbad weather. If you are planning an outdoor wedding, check out the Farmer's Almanac for the driest time of year in your hometown. Also be prepared to retreat for guests and the couple, or a backup location, if the weather forces you to move the ceremony. For weddings in tents to avoid a floor that your receipt in a mud hole.

For an indoor wedding, the rain more than a nuisance than a real problem. If there is rain in the forecast for your big day, you arm yourself witha lot of golf umbrellas. The bride may choose to attract to the church, when the weather is really bad. to manage the way that is completely finished, in addition to the dress. The bride must have her special wedding jewelry, fancy underwear, and everything, but the dress and shoes. Use double plastic covers over the dress to dry, then slip into her once arrive at the church. If the change is not practical in your wedding dress on the site, at least wait to put onbridal shoes until you arrive on land. You do not want your way through the course with soggy shoes squish!

When not to rain on your wedding day, smiling the best thing to do is resist, e. I once held to a wedding in a park in a very rainy day. It 'been down a treacherously steep hill of wet grass with heels, but the pair had written rings with umbrellas, the ladies at the ceremony site (which fortunately had a curtain on it), Creative Commons, and some ofmale guests also launched to assist. It rained and rained, and sits at the point where you could barely hear the music while the guests were (and we were all wondering how we would like to hear the votes). Then the most amazing thing happened: just as the ceremony began, the rain suddenly stopped and the sky cleared. The bride and groom exchanged their vows under a beautiful sunshine, which seemed to be a lucky omen, indeed. Even if their train was wet, and hisThe curly hair was, the bride had a inner happiness shining (well, at least their wedding jewelry was dry and fabulous!).

So, if the meteorologist provides weather for the wedding day, just remember the French saying "pluvieux Mariage, mariage heureux", which promises a happy marriage because a marriage is wet. And if you can not buy happiness the idea that the rain is always the old standby: Rain, rain, go away - yet another day!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Astrology Aries Lucky Days - What time of the month Gamble

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The people of the region 21 to 19 Date March Born in April, the astrological sign of Ares the Ram. As an Aries, you probably know your basic Horoscope, but did you know that there are certain days and times of the month are particularly lucky for you? Here are some moments when you are very lucky.

Lucky Moon days

If you were the birthday falls in the range from March 21 to March 28, is lucky during the days ofNew Moon. If it falls in the range of 29 March to 5 April, will be happier in the days of the second quarter of the moon. If your birthday falls in the range of April 6 to April 13, you are lucky during the days of full moon. Finally, if you are in the range from April 14 to April 19 were born, you will be happier in the fourth quarter of the moon.

Numerology days

Aries is the number of blue (7), and Mars, a planet of Aries, the sentenceValue (6). With the addition of fadic numerology gives us the sum (13) to (4) is reduced. Therefore, the day of the month) are to reduce (the number 4 is a lucky day for all those born under Aries. 4, 13, 22 or 31:; If you are going to play the lottery during the month, you should buy the ticket in one of the following days. Also, you should look to see the number (4) your winning numbers.

Lucky Hour

ManyThe sources say there are more than happy during the day, if your decision on planets. You can specify hours this time from the rising of the sun, and then push your luck. This number varies depending on the day of the week. For those born under Aries, take the following steps.

Sunday: nbspYou and have better luck in the 7th, 14th, and 21 hours after dawn.

Monday: If you are lucky during the 4th, 11, and 18 hours after dawn.

Tuesday: SixFortunately, on 1, 8, 15 and 22 hour after sunrise.

Wednesday: Are you happy at 5, 12, and 19 hour after sunrise.

Thursday: If you are lucky during the 2nd, 9, 16 and 23 hours after dawn.

Friday: Are you happy at the 6 °, 13 °, and 20 hours after dawn.

Saturday: You are happier when the 3, 10, 17 and 24 hour after sunrise.

Lucky Partners

You were born under the Aries and play aGambling with a partner, will be happier if the partner was born in one of the following signs: Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and Libra.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Lucky Penny by Hill Kemp and Sienna Kemp - Book Review

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Guardian Angel Publishing (2007)
ISBN 9781933090870

You do not have two of your closest friends to be with each other? No matter what you try to help them resolve their differences, nothing seems to help. It seems that this time will be different, but something always goes wrong and end up in a big fight. What if they are able to work together towards a common goal?

Penny Mason's father told a competition coming into their city.It will be a new playground. The competition is for all people of the city. There are no age limits or the number of people in a group on the new park design. Who better to decide than children, what kind of equipment should go there? After all, some children will be able to use this park as it is right next to the hospital. It is the "design team" of two white girls and black to win the competition? It would not be safe for lack of trying.

This is a great book for tweens. L 'three girls have put aside their differences to try to deal with a winning idea. It 's a great lesson about friendship and the mutual recognition of differences in overall activity involved. Sometimes I have two friends who do not seem to get along, and I think I'm her friend, but in "Lucky Penny" she is able to remain friends with both. There is also a lesson on the relationship with his brother Evan Penny elderly. Evan Penny is seen not only as her "little"Sister more and realize that she grew up.

I hope that Hill and Siena Kemp to write more books like this. "Lucky Penny" is a priceless treasure that will appeal to many girls. Finding a penny is considered lucky. If you are looking for a great book for book shelves, do not forget to pick up "Lucky Penny" today!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Magic squares as amulets and talismans

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Magic squares have brought good fortune for over 4,000 years the name. They have been used to create powerful talismans for good luck and protection. What factors give them this property, and how can we use for our purposes?

The history of magic squares

Wu Hsia, founder of the Chinese dynasty that bears his name, he discovered a tortoise shell had signs of a perfect (3 x 3) Magic Square. This place, as Lo Shu, or "River Picture" has been knownForms the basis of the I Ching, Ki, and others of Chinese divination.

In the West, thought of the Middle Ages, magic square engraved on silver and sold as talismans. Were as a protection against the disease. In India, Magic squares date from the eleventh century.

In the West, Wu Square Magic Square of Saturn '. Cronelius Agrippa studied and named a number of magic squares for the different planets, and wrote several places on the basis of etiquettetheir connection to this planet in astrology.

Physical properties of magic squares

are magic squares (2) properties that make them perfect as a magic formula for creating talismans: their symmetry and repetition.

Magic squares have the property of symmetric resolution. By their nature, form a completed design. The fact that every row, column and diagonal has been added to this amount are in balance. The universe as a whole is a systempass balance and perfection. The life cycle is very similar to a circle without end, a pattern that keeps repeating over and I saw a model model magic square.

magic squares give us the endless repetition. We can each row and column, in turn, add, and come to the same result over and over again. This is the essence of magic, a spell or prayer, and repeatedly worked on the basis of dynamic and draw power at a time.

Creating a MagicSquare

One of the nice things about magic squares is that anyone can build. She did not draw a great artist to them, consist entirely of numbers. With just a little 'research you can use your talisman staff in a short time.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

School Fundraising - Are you the lucky parents responsible?

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If parents are unhappy for the PTA has the short straw and now responsible for the next school fundraising project, you can take a deep breath now. Everyone is likely to throw all sorts of ideas for you and tell you how much easier it is. You might ask why not just then - because they are such experts. You're probably wondering where he is aspirin.

The truth is, they are probably responsible for the schoolFundraising project, and remember how painful it is to maintain and ensure success. They know that their sincerity to help with their offerings, though, if you flee to the contribution that effective demand, as caged birds released their first flight of freedom. In the meantime, we are determined to go more easily for you.

School Fundraising - Do-it-man (or woman)!

Each fundraising project of the school can be tedious and confusing, especially when it comes to match thehas paid and who does not. The money is part of that care the most. After all, the reason why you do this and you do not want to do something wrong.

Why not keep everything online and everything electronically? Ah! Now you hear the sigh of relief. One-touch administration. Yes! Now you can show others what a school fundraising project, things are going on. All you have to do is go See how easy it is and laugh! Others will follow in yourFootsteps.

Listed with the events, not only spread the word about your fundraising project rockin 'you can also donate your donors online. How can it be easy to keep up with the money, when completed online electronically? There is simply nothing easier than that we are talking about! See what we're talking about now I know I can do it.

School Fundraising - Now You're the experts

Once through this first fundraising project of the school andcome out with flying colors, you'll get the answers that have become enthusiastic. Many people want to fill their shoes when they see how easy it really, if you can finish online through events in our database. Now they are voluntarily taking over the school project to raise funds for the next time and take the spotlight away from himself. Or act like those who are outside.

But at this point, you may not want to give up this coveted position as coordinator of school fundraisers. "Now you have done and do it with ease, you can keep your place on the throne. Others are now you look like you are the expert. And you are!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Want to Get Lucky? Four secrets to increase your happiness

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Are you happy in life? Really, you feel as if I was a happy man? It's not that you have a perfect life, but things always seem to work for you. Even the seemingly negative situations end turns into something better. They have great opportunities simply fall into your lap? Meet (attract) the right people in your life? If so, then you really are a lucky man, if not, you can quickly increase your luck.

A few days ago I was in a cafeShop with a friend. Sitting in a deep blue upholstered chair, I heard my friend talk about how my life is lucky. I never thought of before, but thought it was right. I put my coffee scented with cinnamon and curled up in my chair, in the process and digest his compliments.

Shortly after, I said that I found a topic for my article in this month requirement. He immediately said, "Why do not you write a person, as happy!" I chuckled tome, because I never thought that thought in a million years, but it felt so intuitively right. I knew that the universe just winked at me with a confirmation.

He said goodbye, hugged me and left his empty cup still dripping ceramic foam next to my chair. All around me were whispering in my ear table conversations. I still sinking deeper into my chair and began to write. I must have been poured into a trance, because the article on a single chargefrom my soul and my laptop. I wrote the first draft in less than two hours. Wow, what luck for me, as I initially thought I would need the whole weekend to write about.

Whether you think you are lucky or not, most people think that happiness is not real or at best a random activity that can be developed, selected or not. You would think that people stumble into good things by accident. How do you explain when a friend called last minute with freeTickets for a sold out show to see you die? Or, if you turn to go home quickly, because he "forgot something" and a long lost friend is standing at the door, but had no way to contact you, if not hope to stop and if were at home. And 'this a coincidence or something much more magical?

I think a happy person is always easier when people understand the characteristics of these blessed. Consider for a moment the luck is not random after all! There is aattitudinal structure underlying every person happy. And who is wiling to change their mental-emotional habits can increase their luck and be happy.

The British study showed that more fortunate people have in common with each course. They discovered a group of four qualities that distinguish them from the "unfortunate". The interesting thing is that people who have developed these attitudinal qualities started to increase their happiness veryfast!

Four degrees of lucky people

Lucky first people aware and present. Pay attention to the present, not the past (disappointment) employs the thought or fear of the future (fear). Of course I choose to live in the present moment. This allows them to recognize and seize new opportunities, rather than distracted, confused or simply do not know.

2. They value their "intuition" means "logic and reason." They tend toVista is the "big picture" and the details of the "small picture" in their lives. They are open to an intuitive sense of possibility (bigger picture) and how they fit into their current situation. If you are not locked into the details still have dreams for the future. Instead, we bring together these two perceptions, awareness of the big and small screen, the possibility and the actuality of their lives together. This gives them the opportunity to set goals and make a planwork.

Third fortunate have a positive relationship with the future. Are you optimistic about the unknown (future) rather than anxious. Although not all the answers, I am naturally optimistic and open. They refuse to what could go wrong and instead fantasizing about "what can go right," focusing. They feel positive even though there appear to be negative. In a nutshell ... do not let the negativity in the way of their plans and dreams to achieve.

4. Are self-the authority and responsibility. They refuse to hang in feelings of helplessness, apathy or self-pity. They do not believe that life is happening to them, nor are they a victim of circumstances. They know what they think and feel about themselves and future issues. They believe that the opportunities are a direct consequence of their attitude, thoughts, feelings and actions. In other words, they embrace their inner power and choose to live their lives with the responsibility.

The study alsoshowed that the lucky older men had enough social circles. You can make friends quickly and are socially connected to their community. They are naturally outgoing, because like a lot and tend to be non-judgmental. It is involved with their communities. They believe that people tend naturally good, nice and caring, it shall be for individual people.

Want to Get Lucky?

At first this may seem to be a big demand. The truth is, you canAlmost immediately, you increase your happiness, just by reading this article, and a choice for people depending on the quality of happiness. This is really a simple choice in one moment can shift and increase your energy into the realm of happiness. This article should only be 10 minutes or so to read ... lucky you!
Many times in my life I have experienced how quickly I was able to reverse a negative situation - literally in mid-sentence - by changing my attitude and my hugPower. I think the minute to stop pretending to feel powerless, and stop as a sacrifice, the miracle started in the rain in your life. I've seen over and over again, and I've seen others who have decided to live in the magic of life.

Four secrets to increase your fortune and happiness:

1) Embrace and accept yourself and your life as it is. The good, the bad, the ugly and beautiful, everyone accepts what is happening inYour life, good and bad. Stop fighting and to accept a decision, rather than things as they are, rather than a desire to be different. Acceptance creates the space for change and healing to come.

They feel more comfortable when you begin to accept themselves and, of course, to relax in social situations. A quick way to do this is to choose to believe that the world is a friendly place. And 'here to support you and your dreams. Unfortunate people believe that the world is "out ofthey get. "What the world is right? Whatever you choose to believe is in the world are true for you! Both worlds are possible, but only one will be your reality. Choose wisely.

2) Your intuition and open your heart to feel a greater intimacy. There is much more going on around you who listen, never in your consciousness to understand. Your mind filters out over 50% of the experience with you is happening now. But it is under your awareness your subconsciouscontinuously gather clues about your future and the possibilities that exist. This is called your intuition. If intuition blend with the intimacy, the experience of a deeper connection with yourself and others. You will know what to make decisions and why. I am wiser and more intelligent. Opening your heart will improve your intuition and deepen your sense of purpose. This leads naturally to increase your chances of happiness and good fortune of expansion.

3 DoCompassion for your car. admit the truth, you are powerful. Embracing a flexible positive attitude about yourself and your life. You know that and have done so before. Lemons can be made into lemonade, if you change your attitude. You can learn about themselves from the worst disaster. If you start to look on the bright side in the dark clouds of life, luck will improve rapidly. What you focus on expands. So being strong in all the attention and goodSituations.

Fourth meditate regularly. If I decide I had to work that I felt lucky luck would have caught and meditation. Looking back at my life, I realize that learning to meditate as a teenager was a major turning point in my life. It has changed dramatically. My happiness accelerate once I learned to meditate and relax regularly. I fully believe that meditation opens the door to a happy and luckyLife.

How Meditation Improves your happiness
- Meditation increases self-esteem and self-acceptance.
- Meditation provides a way to relax body and mind in a hurry.
- Deepens meditation improves intimacy, empathy.
- Meditation and reduces critical judgmentalness.
- Meditation can foster a deeper sense of belonging.
- Meditation strengthens your imagination and improve your ability to visualize.
- Meditation opens your opinion onPossibility of your potential.
- Meditation is a positive relationship in the future.
- Meditation promotes positive feelings of hope, peace and good expectations.
- Meditation improves your relationship with yourself and your world.
In most studies on mental health, are those who meditate regularly (at least three times a week), less nervous, anxious, depressed, and much less irritable, controlling, or inhibited. Were more sociable,self-confidence, positive feeling about themselves and the future, were compared to those emotionally stable, independent, non-meditators in the study.

I hope you read this article again many times and let the truth contained in it, sink deep into your subconscious. This will help to change attitudes and take more chances and more happiness in your life. Feel free to forward this to a friend. Notify me via e-mail for any commentsTheir experiences of happiness.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Have you ever tried to count the grains of rice

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Have you ever tried to count the grains of rice? You know how many beans are there in a kilo of rice? Maybe I do not know. I do not know that either.

But the good fortune to us ... we do not have to go through the painful process of counting these tiny grains of rice. A lot of people have already done, we just need to "Google (TM)" to know. :) They are based on my research, approximately 36 000 grains in a kilo of rice (average).

It couldask: "Why talk about wheat? Well ... "Why not? We can compare the grain for humans, they have so much in common. To explain this, I, the" grain ", a word my parallel between wheat and human consumption. I use KORN. Five points, five points in parallel.

Here we go.

God has created. This is a matter of course. This is the first and most important similarity or common denominator between grain and man, both of which were created by God no one could argue about this. :)

Race - This is notDiscrimination. It is diversity. Cereals, rice, must be classified by a number. E 'basmati rice, Thai rice, jasmine rice, and others. The same is true with humans, we have several, we have different races or nationalities. Bahrain We, Filipinos, Indians and Americans, etc. Based on WikiAnswers, there are over 200 nationalities in the world ... that the variety for you! It 's interesting as well that in both human and cereals, hybrid varieties are now dominant note. E 'are the varieties of rice, a cross between two or more varieties. In humans, transnational marriages now very common and this type of binding individuals to produce hybrids, such as Fil-Am, Fil-Canadian, Fil-Brit and others ..

Aging - How to crops and human rights are living beings, both have life cycles. Where the seeds are both going through a process called aging. We also need to emphasize is that, like wheat, the man sometimes undetermined future date to be harvested. Bad or uselessGrains are separated from the good, the same is true with human Doomsday.

Important - I can no longer important man. Human is an integral part of a family, organization, association, society, etc. Imagine a church family without a father, a business without an accountant, a Toastmasters club speakers well ... It 'hard to live. Our lives are intertwined. Someone will always need another. It 'been so and always will bebe.

The importance of cereals was further highlighted when we had a worldwide shortage of rice, just recently. In the Philippines, we saw people lined up, only to have access to a cheaper alternative is rice.

One way to measure the importance of cereals to the value put into it. Before I wrote this article, I am only aware of the price per kilo of rice, which is currently tied at about the 40th P But now we have a divider. We know that there are approximately 36 000 medium-sized enterprisesGrains in a pound. Based on these data, the cost of wheat 0.001 cents. See if someone waste a single grain a day for 365 days, close and save 0.40 cents per year. Multiply the number of our population, currently at 88 million ... this is a whooping 35 million granules year down the drain! Enough to feed thousands of families below the poverty line. What happens when a person refuses to two grains? E 'doubled! In fact, we are losing much more than these numbers, perhaps byHundreds per person per day.

And finally ...

Nurses - the Grain is nutritious. It required a lot of vitamins and other nutrients a human body. And 'one of the most popular in the world, especially in Asian countries. But the grain of being alone, not just the nutrients you need. A wheat grains were added to other positive effects on the human body. Therefore, it is sold per kilo rather than per piece.

Human it is also helpful. You can think, moveand do a lot of things. But just like grains, people can do more when he joined with other people. If we are of one heart and soul ... We can go places. We are able to reach greater heights.

This is the best time to make a difference. We are still relatively young and has the ability to think and act, what we have thought or planned. May our lives be a shining example for our children and the communities where we live

We are like grains. Leave a kilogram, and is a nutrient for our core businessFamilies, our communities and our country. If we consider that what we think, say or do ... everything should be for the greater glory of God

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Victory at the Dog Track - some people are just lucky?

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One of my brothers was always lucky at cards since then. Every time we play, it seems that the stockings should be in the hands of entirely natural for him. I do not. I sometimes win and sometimes lose, but I would not say I'm happy.

I know other people who seem to contain his happiness at the dog. They look at a program, not make a mark on it and say: "I like the 8" and available in eight must-luck, right?

Maybe, but I think it's more that they are people who think quickly and aredisability can be much faster than you and I can. When the program, the only things we try to "jump" on them. There must assess and weigh the different factors, like most people with disabilities. They "know" only that the dog wins.

So perhaps we should stop thinking about happiness is born as something you know and start using it as something that can create for yourself through practice you can quickly choose your handicap until the dogs. It is true, can neverbe as fast as some people, but you can do better.

as the old saying goes - - It 's my experience that "favors. Luck was prepared" One of the reasons that people are "happy" is that they have made the preparation behind the scenes and all you see, the'. This is especially true for people living along the route, know all the dogs and trainers live betting only.

You do not pore over the program because they have probably helped along the wayCoach before the track was open on that day. They probably talked about all the men looked over the dogs and cats and maybe even some information on what to do medical conditions, some of the dogs.

You may know that dogs have been wormed and dogs are out of shape, according to their trainers. This type of inside information often seen as "lucky" to strangers who do not have the same information.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Michael J Fox - Lucky Man

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Born in the early '70s was not until the 80's when in reality in the film and what a decade, not only films, but movie stars. Among the many actors and actresses, fame in the '80s Michael J. Fox has not only wanted to be famous, but most of men and women like him that he wanted to be found pleasing days. There was something about Michael J. Fox, which I liked, and as Marty McFly in "Back to the Future" films, or asBrantley Foster diligent in "The secret of my success."

But as Michael J. Fox is known for his film roles, also for the fact that in 1998 was made public that he has lived with Parkinson's disease and had to fight against the crippling disease since 1991, is known unknown. But although Parkinson's disease at the age of 30 has not hit left to beat not only the implementation of working conditions in the film and television, but also the campaign for medical research on the disease andalso writing his memoirs, "Lucky Man" is a fascinating book on most of his life.

One of the first things that will be "Lucky Man" is when you read the words of Fox, not someone else's patch together a book of interviews. It makes it much more personal vision, which will give you the feeling of Fox in the same room as you, as you deepen your life and emotions. You get a sense of not only the enthusiasm of Fox for life, but also how you felt duringthe ups and downs, not only as a movie star, but in his personal life, where his battles not only with Parkinson's disease. His words give them an opening, but it's also a touch of humor in general with Fox to make it funny the way he behaved.

As you would expect s "Lucky Man" says Fox 's life J. Michael from its beginnings as a child when his family moved home a few times because of his father's work. And then in his youth, where not only is Foxa rock star, but his love for acting in various productions began thanks to school, takes his first hit in TV participants. All this sounds quite normal, but as you read Fox's own words, you have a sense of how he felt during the years of training and will in particular the proximity of the Fox family, particularly his relationship with his Nana, it's very clear he adored .

As expected, following his break in TV Fox covers her timethe popular show "Family Ties" and also its merger into being a movie star. It 's interesting to read what Fox was his career, but also what he felt about his rise to become famous. Fox offers up many anecdotes about his life, both as an actor at that time was to fight, but also a star, where he could get nothing more than a slap on the hand when he took accelerated. Back again that Fox's own words, there is a credibility of the whole, but interesting,She struggled with what has happened to him, why, why a star that could break the law and it was he truly deserves.

In addition to the sight of his career, Fox will also have his personal life for the first time he met Tracy, his future wife, the royal wedding and his relationship with his family after he became famous. Fox is understandably more reserved than when other important people in his life, almost as much about her feelings and privacy, ifRecalling his feelings. I thought "Lucky Man 'a bit unbalanced with the majority of it for his career and reputation, but Fox gives us some anecdotes about his personal life as the madness of the wedding day, when the press went along to everyone try to get photos of their big day. The fact that Fox does not provide the kind of juicy personal gossip, some stars who give away all ready to do that seems to him seem more normal and loving assome actors, whose memoirs I read.

While all these views in his life is what "to expect all autobiography" Lucky Man touches on other things and offers some surprises, such as Fox's admission that he used to be a problem with alcohol. If you think that the image of Michael J. Fox is not something you would ever expect, but Fox is very open about this issue personally, that would go on a bender wake up without knowing what happened the night beforeotherwise he would have hidden in drink wine. This, combined with Fox as felt about his career, when he seemed to be struggling, all the important roles paints a picture of a young man who would do almost all other statistics, that early fame and success can be.

Of course, one of the most important terms in "Lucky Me" is the Fox treatment of Parkinson's disease since he noticed the small fingers tremble uncontrollably from tremors more noticeable, which hetrying to mask when he carried on acting. It is to read a very eye opening and open as Fox explains why he kept her secret struggle and how and why he decided to information. But at the same time, it is also educational, says so much about the disease and the first signs of the various treatments available and the preparation of drugs, also known as the research that has happened various outlets. Even more significant is that while it reserves the right to Fox, he feels, due toParkinson's disease, he never comes in so there is no attempt to get compassion, rather than a very frank account of how it affects his life. And at the same time can not find the lighter side of the situation and find the humor in it, not in a negative way, but that was not him, he remained true to himself.

"Lucky Man" is much more personal memories, biographies in comparison to other more talkative shortage cheap revelations have become the normbut to have so that more personal, emotional life of those who open the hearing with his honesty. E 'in places, reserved, but it is a fascinating read full of amusing anecdotes of his life. But even more important for everyone, Parkinson's disease interested or concerned about revelations Fox open as influenced your life is brilliant.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Are you happy or unhappy in life?

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In life I think there are two types of people.

There are "lucky" people and then there are those who "are seen as unfortunate." I am sure that your experience of expatriates around the world, met both types and have friends or family at home that are either "happy" or "unhappy." Let's review the differences between the two?

Perhaps the main difference between us happy or unhappy and expatriates residing in the home is that those who believe they are "happy"I am, believe and expect that to be a good and "lucky" things happen to them. The result is that, because this is what you do not try. think "unhappy" people in this way because of all the bad things that happened to them in the past. They believe they are "unhappy" to think they are and expect to be so. Of course, we hope for good things to happen, but expect bad things. As a result, things are so bad. It 'really that simple,we get what we expect.

"Lucky" people think, believe and expect. "Unfortunate" people think, believe and expect. So why the results differ? I think the difference lies in the thought behind those words. What do you think makes it real for you.

Life flows through us and is forever changed. You have explored the idea that there can be only that their fate was not born as set in stone. Could it really fate in your hands? E 'canwhich, as we could play with your fate that day by day, week and decide ultimately determine your future?

Their fate is at this time. What do you want? So it can be good and you can change things for the better, but this will only happen when you realize that you and only you hold the secret inside you. If you wake up, you expect the worst or the best for the day? Pay attention to your thoughts and see your life unfold.

Your future isright here, right now ... in your thoughts. What did you think then? As you shape your destiny?

Quote of the Week

"Thoughts become things ... choose the good ones!"

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The smart way to advertise the Small Business

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We all get about the same amount of "lucky breaks" in our lives ... and the opportunities that fall into your lap.

But some local people and take them home (the success) ... and some people do not. (Failed).

Let me give you some examples.

Years ago I met a company that was trying to direct incoming mail.

The announcement broke even. The owner closed the year down and decided to do something different.

If he was wiseI know enough, was always happy, that's what he had done ...

1. understand how to create a better working title.

2. Found a way to up to 65% discount on the cost of your advertising.

3. Creates a mechanism for the secondary response (a PS at the end with a special report, added to its database and uses the right strategies to get me out in these other clients).

Instead of throwing the baby out with the bathwater and to consider what he did, being aFail, would understand ...

This is an opportunity, not a failure. In fact ...


Remember: We say that it was spending $ 3000 on display and tie.

If it is only a 20% discount on each ad is doing now would have received $ 600 for each ad.

If your bond has a 15% increase could generate an additional $ 450 for each ad.

profit made on you are looking for $ 1,050 per ad that could walk forCountry.

We also have not looked at the back of sales of "what you can actually sell them?"

So, today, think about where you're always happy in your company ... and then those smart enough to drive home the profits.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Astrology Pisces Lucky Days-Horoscope Modifiers numerology

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If you were in the range of days from February 20 to March 20 Born, your Astrology Pisces the fish. Like a fish, you probably know your basic Horoscope, but did you know that there are more than 70 days per year that are lucky for you, because your score? Just what are these fish Happy Days?

Your date of birth

In numerology, the date of birth is your lucky day for you. So you should always add your date of birth,List of Happy Days. As an example, Billy Crystal was born on 14 March 1948 Comic, 14th March so he could add to his halcyon days in 2008.

Universal Days

Days when the Universal day number is the same as your Life Path number are also lucky for you. The universe is your way to these particular days. Your Life Path number is also calculated from the sum of all digits of your date of birth and then reduces them to fadic. BillyCrystal's Life Path number three, as follows:

Life Path = (03 + 14 + 1948) = (1965) = (21) = (3).

Check the days of March, we find that March 8, 2008, a lucky day for Billy Crystal. The universal number Third day the equivalent of his life.

Universal Day (08/03/2008) = (03 + 8 + 2008) = (2019) = (12) = (3).

As a shortcut, you can already calculate the (month and year through reduced fadic) universal number of the month, and thenJust add this value to the number of days, summed up the final result.

Fish Calendar

Six days of every month, I am particularly happy to fish. They are:

For January: 5th, 7, 9, 21, 22 and 27.

For February: 4, 7, 9, 20, 21 and 26.

For March: 5, 6, 12, 13, 17 and 29.

For April: 6, 8, 11, 15, 22 and 30.

For May: 8, 14, 15, 19, 24 and 29.

ToJune 10, 11, 19, 21, 23 and 27.

For July: 11, 15, 20, 22, 24 and 31.

For August: 13, 16, 17, 20, 28 and 30.

For September: 15, 17, 19, 24, 27 and 28.

October: 17, 19, 20, 21, 29 and 30.

For November: 19 days 8, 9, 10, 14 and 21.

For December: 3rd, 7th, 9th, 13th, 22:28.