Thursday, January 28, 2010

OCD Forum - different types of OCD, good and bad, lucky or unlucky number of associations

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There are numbers that you think is good or bad?

I used to get the number of cards. I used to think that 1 was good, 2 was bad, he was nice, 3, 4 was bad, he was nice, 5, 6 was bad in any case, and 7 was good in all cases, etc.

This number of tables with a lot of people who suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder, with some exceptions here and there. Since it is not a system that is used by all people with obsessive-compulsive disorder, is the one who decides who are suffering.

My numberAssociations changed over time, and I thought it was really strange.

The root of these associations can always be attributed to fear. Religious teachings also say things like 666 is the number of the beast, and 12, as the Apostles had Jesus can.

I dare say that there is something really important to certain numbers, and I must say that in all my tests, numbers are not bad. For example, if you're in a hotel room and is the number 666 or13, you're not all bad, because the number of rooms is to have it.

The facts are neutral, are neither good nor bad in and of itself. What can be associated with them, but the numbers themselves are neutral.

1 is just as good and bad, 2-6 is just as good or as bad as 7

Acting: Making the numbers are not good or bad as a cucumber is not good or bad will help to eliminate these associations. Do not perform rituals, the numbers and facethe anxiety that comes with this will happen sooner than you think. Throw off the shackles of "magical thinking". Magical thinking is, if you are a club that has no logical sense to add, like: "I hope that my life friend, Knock on wood." That does not make sense, classification is good or bad in numbers, so just stop seeing him, what has improved your life!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lucky mascot for Van Drivers

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Fluffy Dice

Many of you will have the self-employed courier jobs or know someone that a pair of fluffy dice hanging from the rearview mirror of their car. This practice originated in America and is due to the fact that the American pilots in World War II, often used to hold the dice in the cockpit to get, they offer a lot of luck. This practice continued after the war, and although many people joke, fluffy dice, the general indications are a bad driver, a 1993-surveyhas shown there is no direct link between reckless driving and with the fluffy dice.

Rabbit's Foot

If you are a rabbit's foot hanging from the windshield, which secures his own, courier job, then you are probably quite a traditionalist at heart. Finally, this superstition is from 600 BC when the Celts lived in Britain was about. At the time, rabbits were considered sacred, and it was believed that spirits inhabited their bodies. This belief hasstemmed from the fact that rabbits spent much time in the subway and could, therefore, the numinous, communicate a U-spirit. The Celts also believed that the rabbit was in the area of reproduction, moreover, that the Numina had placed the animal on a pedestal. And rabbits were considered lucky, it was obvious that all parts of his body might be considered lucky. The foot was chosen over others simply because they could quickly dryand its small size, it was easier to bear.

Evil Eyes

While only few people carry out self-selected courier jobs in the UK have some sort of talisman, amulets evil eye can be seen throughout Turkey and the Middle East. Not only is it customary to be on hold for these little things babygro a baby, but they are also painted on the tail fins of the national airline. This is because the locals believe that praise or envious glances of othermay have some bad luck. Therefore, the Evil Eye Nazar boncuk or pearl is usually attached to the car with mirrors to ward off evil spirits, which piggyback on the words of men, or looks. The Evil Eye charm is usually an eye white on a blue background. The blue stands for water, which is a precious commodity in a country like Turkey to dry.

The palm leaf

In Cuba, a country with a Catholic majority is considered lucky to hang branches of palm in front of the car. TheseThe leaves are used as guano, and have been blessed by the local priest on Palm Sunday. The guano is hanged in front of the car and stay there to keep the vehicle safe and protects the driver on their long journeys until they are a new leaf, the coming years.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Feng Shui and Numbers

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When purchasing a new house, many people who stop to think about and interested in Feng Shui house number. If numbers are important in Feng Shui house is actually quite a complicated topic. The number of home alone can not lead to any problems that you can do but when something out of balance.

The best results according to Feng Shui are 1, 6 and 8 unhappy numbers in Feng Shui are 2 and 5 and 'a great idea to try a good choiceThe number for your new home, but it is not always possible, a good number to choose. When choosing a new house is much more important to think about the area and the situation, rather than the home number. The direction of the house is even more important, in terms of Feng Shui as the number.

Other things you want to think, looking for when buying a new home, to see if there are negative things around the house. You want to find the best position to first, and then, if you're lucky you might have a say on the home number. Some people have suggested that the number of your house in tune with your date of birth should be.

So what can you do if your unlucky number? Now they are changing, it is usually in question, so as to its effects, reducing the outside of your home. Create an area attractive to the porch, making the number of lesser importance, for example.

If stillStreet numbers> Happiness then usually you can use to your advantage. Lucky House number is expected to be much easier to sell a home. You need to spend time looking for the annual number of stars when you look at the home number. Each year, will change the position of figures in various fields and have different meanings. They must learn to look at a graph of these numbers, annual and their meaning.

There are also many other waysYou can use to reduce the effects of unhappy house numbers, making a good move chi around your home and improve things much. If you buy a new house and can choose the number of home, then you should always choose the lucky numbers of 1, 6 or 8. The rest are neutral, and 2-5 at worst choice.

You can add protection to your home, protecting the dog was at home. You can use these in addition to the veranda, or place on the lawn, if you decide to major wasDogs. If you always have two, because only work in pairs. These dogs guard the house against bad luck.

It is also possible the smooth flow of chi by an acoustic signal on the wing porch. You need cable to metal or wood wind chimes cable, which makes a beautiful noise. You can also validate with a water feature to absorb negative energies before they can invade your home.

Numbers are not really that cause many problems, but if you can, always betterchoose a lucky number house!

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Story of Chanel No 5 - Lucky Number of Coco Chanel

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Chanel No. 5 was one of the greatest contribution to the success of Coco Chanel, and the main source of their wealth. E 'was created by Ernest Beaux, a prominent chemist, the son of the court staff in Tsarist Russia. Chanel Ernest Beaux was presented by the Grand Duke Dimitry of Russia, the friend and lover of Chanel.

It was presented by Chanel in 1920, was No. 5, the first scent of Coco Chanel. It 'was a mix of ingredients blended from 128 chemical. Ernest Beaux was one ofbefore starting the development of perfumes with chemical synthesis to improve the smell of natural ingredients such as jasmine, which was the basis of Chanel No. 5.

Ernest Beaux proposed five different formulas - and Chanel has chosen to be the last. The scent again, it was the spring exhibition on 5 Day of the month submitted. This act is the story of Chanel's lucky number.

Personally designed the bottle of Coco Chanel No. 5 The small square, a simple bottleEven the fancy bottles for perfume before that time.

At the beginning of Chanel No. 5 was sprayed into the dressing room boutique Chanel. The most loyal customers were given small bottles of perfume as a gift. This led to an immediate effect of scarcity and exclusivity of the house at 5 Chanel after growing market with the production and distribution rights to Peter and Paul Wertheimer, the owner of the cosmetics and perfumes. In return, theyhas received royalties of 10% on sales of her perfume. Because of the considerable success of Chanel No. 5, the license fee guaranteed their financial autonomy by the end of their lives.

After the death of the house of Chanel Coco Chanel is in the hands of the Wertheimer family. This is one of the few fashion houses, which has its perfume factory. The House of Chanel is refusing to sell their name to any dealer, but retains sole control of all products bearing the mark of luxury CocoChanel.

Chanel No 5 is still one of the world's best-selling fragrance, with a turnover of around ten million bottles per year. Your lucky number is an identity for thousands of women around the world.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Lucky Chinese Horoscope Gem Stones: The last six Chinese Horoscope Gems

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When the Chinese God of heaven and earth God chose to Chinese astrology and Chinese horoscope animal chinese characters associated with the planet earth, they concluded that each Chinese horoscope sign of some kind of material would need a powerful, not only characters themselves represented, but also develop a strong relationship (affinity) with people belonging to that sign.

So the great Chinese collected the twelve most valuable and powerful gemStones on planet Earth. These, where: Garnet, Aquamarine, sapphire, pearl, amethyst, opal, topaz, emerald, peridot, citrine, diamond and Ruby. Then by studying the properties of precious stones are assigned each gem to a Chinese horoscope sign. These stones would protect and bring luck to the owner. Let's talk about the attributes of the last six lucky Chinese horoscope gem and their association with Chinese Astrology and culture.

Lucky gem stone:Topaz

The Associated Chinese horoscope sign: Horse

Attributes: Topaz is associated with courage, confidence, creativity, relaxation and safety. Indeed, Topaz is a powerful gem stone that the Chinese use to overcome fears and achieve all kinds of amazing goals. Topaz is also a large stone pearl for artists, fashion, architects, writers or decorators and everyone who needs a larger amount of imagination and creativity. Topaz has a yellow-gold. An oldChinese legend says that Topaz can help to think higher and deeper, and can also show how you can stand in the way of all obstacles to be overcome. Traditional Chinese doctors use heavily to psychological problems or changes in the health of the brain.

Lucky gem stone: Emerald

The Associated Chinese Horoscope sign: Sheep

Attributes: Emerald symbolizes the mother of all goddesses. E 'with much love, money and wealth, beauty, integrity, self-knowledge, combined with the truth,Justice and rarity. Chinese believe that will bring a powerful gem stone, prosperity, increased sexual performance and virility. It 'used to attract members of the opposite sex and finding love pure and true. A Chinese legend states clearly that the emerald is the "Pearl Stone of Truth" and if your heart deserves it, then the emerald will help in the search for eternal truth. Chinese believe that the use of emeralds, combined with the careful use of candles can attract and capture the heartsand the soul. Emeralds are also great natural antidepressants increase, mental clarity and perception. This rare green gem stone is also for people who are difficult to use to find the truth.

Lucky gem stone: Peridot

The Associated Chinese Horoscope Sign: Monkey

Attributes: Peridot is a stone unique gem that is deeply connected with marriage, mental health, spirituality, maturity, mysticism, jealousy, channeling and visions. It is considered very mysteriousand powerful. Chinese use to fight the jealousy and envy of evil men. Ancient Chinese soldiers used to relieve their anger, because it is a rule of thumb that you never attack or fight when you are angry. Peridot is also used in every Chinese wedding for marital happiness and complete sexual life. The couple has handmade peridot jewelry during the wedding ceremony. Chinese tradition refers to peridot as "The care Ego stone" for his rare ability, a corruptedI do.

Lucky gem stone: Citrine

The Associated Chinese Horoscope sign: Rooster

Attributes: Citrine is generally the abundance, creation and creativity, academics, intellectuals, science, prosperity, success, education and associated true wisdom. According to Chinese legends Citrine is "the stone of success" and should be granted only to a generous man. Citrine jewelry has been deeply impressed by the ancient Chinese emperors for their ability to increase the estimateintellectual capacities and the expansion of the mind. Today, citrine is the modern Chinese students to help them succeed examinations. Many teachers and Chinese teachers used in class. Citrine is widely used in China during the sessions of healing gem stone, to produce feelings and emotions and thoughts of abundance.

Lucky gem stone: Diamond

The Associated Chinese Horoscope sign: Dog

Features: The diamond is a precious stone with the power related to the protection,Strength, courage, loyalty, friendship, originality, purity, fidelity and innocence. Chinese regard to cooperation with the purity of diamonds and power, divine. It's actually what makes a great gift for all occasions and important. Diamonds are powerful guardians against evil in Chinese culture. A Chinese legend refers to diamond as the stone of morality. " In today's China, people who can afford to wear diamonds, because they believe that this magic stone and improvedimproves the properties of the carrier. The traditional competition between the "rearmost Diamond" is an annual celebration in many parts of China. Chinese believe that one of the winners in the world of spirits higher will fight until the next leader of China.

Lucky gem stone: Ruby

The Associated Chinese Horoscope sign: Pig

Attributes: Ruby is the happiness, health, honor, glory, blood, heat, tactics, courage, intelligence and leadership qualities combined. Chinesebe used to send from negative energies and bad luck. Ruby can also serve as a preventive measure against diseases and health conditions are used. Chinese legend tells us that Ruby is "the stone of the famous" and that show you how to become known anywhere in the world. Chinese emperors added ruby and wherever inspiration. The Ruby is today by traditional Chinese doctors to stabilize blood pressure and cure all problems. It is also known,Chinese doctors for its ability to increase body heat.