Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What is romance?

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Romance word always refers to between a boy and a girl to love. word love can mean the love between a boy and a girl and relate to many other reports. A mother always loves her children. Do not have a romantic word for it. What is romance? Why do people feel romantic love for the opposite sex?

And 'moved to a purely biological species? So how are we different than other animals? People die each other in the novel? Why? People think that if a separation shakenoccurs? Why? Why poems and notes to write romance? Romance Sun has to offer something more than just a biological need to do.

I would say the romance is a feeling of deep attachment and affection that goes beyond all known human bonds. Romance can not be easily solved, but only experience. Who has never felt more romantic romantic feelings will never understand. Happy are those who fall in love with the romantic.

In romantic love, a person feels inspired. In love, nothing looksimpossible. Love leads to a great height. To please a romantic love, a lover can. Some romantic lovers do not even care for their lives in love. They want to see the good in the eyes of a lover and wants to win the love forever. This motivates the romantic lovers.

Romance is a feeling of heart, and there is a new perspective on life. Feel good. One is in heaven. a person in the novel needs nothing more than his mistress. This is romance! WhenLook at the clouds flying across the sky if you feel the setting sun, when it was crowned enjoy the beauty of snow-capped wonder, you agree that no point of view is better with these beautiful scenes. Take a look at the faces of a couple in a deep romantic love with each other and you say - I was wrong. Romance is beautiful!


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