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You have your happiness? Professor Richard Wiseman University of Hertfordshire, England, conducted a study of 10 years, to determine the nature of happiness, and published his findings in a book called the luck factor: The scientific study of mind Lucky. Professor Wiseman has outlined four principles to help increase their happiness:
A principle: maximizing the opportunities of opportunity
lucky created, note and act on opportunitiesOpportunities. How do? You can network, a relaxed attitude to life, and are open to new experiences.
Principle Two: Listen premonitions Lucky
Lucky people make successful decisions using their intuition and instinct. They also take active steps to strengthen their intuition, for example through meditation and clearing their mind of other thoughts.
Principle Three: Expect Good Fortune
People's LuckyExpectations for the future, to help them realize their dreams and ambitions, because these expectations contribute to self-fulfilling prophecies of them persist in the face of failure, and how they interact with others in a positive way.
In principle four: Turn Bad Luck to Good
fortunate are able to turn their luck good luck from the positive side of the field. be, for example, they spontaneously imagine how it could beworse, not to dwell on the disaster, and control of the situation.
What are your thoughts on four principles? How can you make to improve the four principles mentioned above in your personal and professional situation?
My relatives Reflections
people are highly motivated and made the most of local opportunities, contributing to, and that is why they are successful, and seem happy. Many work harder, and some workaholic tendencies.According to a quote attributed to Thomas Jefferson: "I strongly believe in luck, and I find it more hard work than I have of her."
Are you in a job that feeds your soul? Are you ready to start the day, when the morning? Your work feels like work? Would you do what you do, if you do not pay?
Take time to think about every day? They know all the answers, but you close the conversation, the answers to hearing from you. What techniquesTo use the fire to go into alpha? You know how to go to alpha, to calm your spirit?
What is your attitude toward life? Is the glass full or empty?
In every disaster there is a random link. When disaster strikes, you throw your hands in the air and asked, "Why me?" Or are you looking for a chance to win?
Here is a simple technique I use to go to Alpha
Close your eyes
Take a few deep breaths, breathing deeply into the lungs by flexing yourMembrane (You know that you breathe deeply, if your stomach pushes out when inhaling)
With eyes still closed, focus the eye upward and the point between your eyebrows
If you feel some pressure to begin slowly counting 10-1. If you reach one, you are now in alpha state
Alpha Brainwave State, where creativity occurs. Whenever in alpha - there are four states of brain waves we know - never worry. If you study for a testor want to remember large amounts of data that is necessary, the alpha state to do before you start. When you are ready to use information, go to the alpha and you can return / recall all the information you studied.
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