Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Rare Blue Moon - how to participate in the benefits of this special event

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The expression "Once in a Blue Moon" will be used to express a special and often rare. This is because a Blue Moon occurs only once every two years and a half or so. This special Moon occurs when a second full moon falls on a calendar month. Usually months have only one full moon, but can sometimes be a second - called Blue Moon.

full moons occur every 29 days, but most months than 30 or 31 days, so you can fit two full moons in a month.This happens rarely. The last Blue Moon was 31st December 2009, and the next is August 31, 2012. Then you must wait until July 31, 2015 for others.

The moon phases are important for stability and many traditional religions, often marking special dates in the religious calendar.

Both the Islamic lunar calendar and Hebrew calendar. Christianity is the most important event of celebrating Easter on the first Sunday after the first full moonafter the spring equinox. Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism and Jainism also follow the cycles of the moon to highlight important festivals.

The practice of "job", known as witchcraft, paganism and Wicca, each of which place a greater importance of other religions on the moon and its phases. Of particular importance are the full moons, which are celebrated and honored and known as "Esbats.

The Full Moon Esbat or is seen as a powerful and special time for celebration, ritual practice and Cast MagicSpells for any positive purpose - love, money, happiness and health for example. This rare case of time particularly strong Moon is considered magic.

So do not miss this "Once in a Blue Moon special events a special event to mark the Moon and do something monumental. To get your special requests are used as true positives expressed Blue Moon Spell power for themselves, or invite a witch expert or professional magician to your votesName.

Use the time to write Love or Money Magic - or both votes. Benefit cleansing your aura energy this special Moon. Make a special ceremony to give you good luck.

Here are some simple rituals are performed to exploit the specificity of the Blue Moon and bring hope to you all you need.

Magic Talisman lucky lottery

The evening of the Blue Moon take every piece of silver jewelry or silver coin, make aspecial request and say out loud 3 times. Place the jewelry or coins for a full moon night. Silver is associated with the moon and the goddess, is the best material to use in a blue moon ritual.

Do not worry if you can not see directly, the moon, as his special power is still present. Once the jewelry or coins in this special Moon was mandated by the special energy that will serve as a lucky talisman to make your desires.


The evening of this special Moon take a silver coin, will focus on the desire fulfilled, you want to repeat according to your will and throw a coin into a body of water. This could be a Wishing Well, a river, sea or lake.

The water element is associated with the moon and used positively Magic everything connected with love.

Moon Bath

The Blue Moon evening, Stripping and naked under the full moon. "Swimming" By viewingMoonbeams cleaning from head to toe. Once you feel thoroughly cleaned, according to three say to your specific request.

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