Thursday, January 28, 2010

OCD Forum - different types of OCD, good and bad, lucky or unlucky number of associations

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There are numbers that you think is good or bad?

I used to get the number of cards. I used to think that 1 was good, 2 was bad, he was nice, 3, 4 was bad, he was nice, 5, 6 was bad in any case, and 7 was good in all cases, etc.

This number of tables with a lot of people who suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder, with some exceptions here and there. Since it is not a system that is used by all people with obsessive-compulsive disorder, is the one who decides who are suffering.

My numberAssociations changed over time, and I thought it was really strange.

The root of these associations can always be attributed to fear. Religious teachings also say things like 666 is the number of the beast, and 12, as the Apostles had Jesus can.

I dare say that there is something really important to certain numbers, and I must say that in all my tests, numbers are not bad. For example, if you're in a hotel room and is the number 666 or13, you're not all bad, because the number of rooms is to have it.

The facts are neutral, are neither good nor bad in and of itself. What can be associated with them, but the numbers themselves are neutral.

1 is just as good and bad, 2-6 is just as good or as bad as 7

Acting: Making the numbers are not good or bad as a cucumber is not good or bad will help to eliminate these associations. Do not perform rituals, the numbers and facethe anxiety that comes with this will happen sooner than you think. Throw off the shackles of "magical thinking". Magical thinking is, if you are a club that has no logical sense to add, like: "I hope that my life friend, Knock on wood." That does not make sense, classification is good or bad in numbers, so just stop seeing him, what has improved your life!

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