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When the Chinese God of heaven and earth God chose to Chinese astrology and Chinese horoscope animal chinese characters associated with the planet earth, they concluded that each Chinese horoscope sign of some kind of material would need a powerful, not only characters themselves represented, but also develop a strong relationship (affinity) with people belonging to that sign.
So the great Chinese collected the twelve most valuable and powerful gemStones on planet Earth. These, where: Garnet, Aquamarine, sapphire, pearl, amethyst, opal, topaz, emerald, peridot, citrine, diamond and Ruby. Then by studying the properties of precious stones are assigned each gem to a Chinese horoscope sign. These stones would protect and bring luck to the owner. Let's talk about the attributes of the last six lucky Chinese horoscope gem and their association with Chinese Astrology and culture.
Lucky gem stone:Topaz
The Associated Chinese horoscope sign: Horse
Attributes: Topaz is associated with courage, confidence, creativity, relaxation and safety. Indeed, Topaz is a powerful gem stone that the Chinese use to overcome fears and achieve all kinds of amazing goals. Topaz is also a large stone pearl for artists, fashion, architects, writers or decorators and everyone who needs a larger amount of imagination and creativity. Topaz has a yellow-gold. An oldChinese legend says that Topaz can help to think higher and deeper, and can also show how you can stand in the way of all obstacles to be overcome. Traditional Chinese doctors use heavily to psychological problems or changes in the health of the brain.
Lucky gem stone: Emerald
The Associated Chinese Horoscope sign: Sheep
Attributes: Emerald symbolizes the mother of all goddesses. E 'with much love, money and wealth, beauty, integrity, self-knowledge, combined with the truth,Justice and rarity. Chinese believe that will bring a powerful gem stone, prosperity, increased sexual performance and virility. It 'used to attract members of the opposite sex and finding love pure and true. A Chinese legend states clearly that the emerald is the "Pearl Stone of Truth" and if your heart deserves it, then the emerald will help in the search for eternal truth. Chinese believe that the use of emeralds, combined with the careful use of candles can attract and capture the heartsand the soul. Emeralds are also great natural antidepressants increase, mental clarity and perception. This rare green gem stone is also for people who are difficult to use to find the truth.
Lucky gem stone: Peridot
The Associated Chinese Horoscope Sign: Monkey
Attributes: Peridot is a stone unique gem that is deeply connected with marriage, mental health, spirituality, maturity, mysticism, jealousy, channeling and visions. It is considered very mysteriousand powerful. Chinese use to fight the jealousy and envy of evil men. Ancient Chinese soldiers used to relieve their anger, because it is a rule of thumb that you never attack or fight when you are angry. Peridot is also used in every Chinese wedding for marital happiness and complete sexual life. The couple has handmade peridot jewelry during the wedding ceremony. Chinese tradition refers to peridot as "The care Ego stone" for his rare ability, a corruptedI do.
Lucky gem stone: Citrine
The Associated Chinese Horoscope sign: Rooster
Attributes: Citrine is generally the abundance, creation and creativity, academics, intellectuals, science, prosperity, success, education and associated true wisdom. According to Chinese legends Citrine is "the stone of success" and should be granted only to a generous man. Citrine jewelry has been deeply impressed by the ancient Chinese emperors for their ability to increase the estimateintellectual capacities and the expansion of the mind. Today, citrine is the modern Chinese students to help them succeed examinations. Many teachers and Chinese teachers used in class. Citrine is widely used in China during the sessions of healing gem stone, to produce feelings and emotions and thoughts of abundance.
Lucky gem stone: Diamond
The Associated Chinese Horoscope sign: Dog
Features: The diamond is a precious stone with the power related to the protection,Strength, courage, loyalty, friendship, originality, purity, fidelity and innocence. Chinese regard to cooperation with the purity of diamonds and power, divine. It's actually what makes a great gift for all occasions and important. Diamonds are powerful guardians against evil in Chinese culture. A Chinese legend refers to diamond as the stone of morality. " In today's China, people who can afford to wear diamonds, because they believe that this magic stone and improvedimproves the properties of the carrier. The traditional competition between the "rearmost Diamond" is an annual celebration in many parts of China. Chinese believe that one of the winners in the world of spirits higher will fight until the next leader of China.
Lucky gem stone: Ruby
The Associated Chinese Horoscope sign: Pig
Attributes: Ruby is the happiness, health, honor, glory, blood, heat, tactics, courage, intelligence and leadership qualities combined. Chinesebe used to send from negative energies and bad luck. Ruby can also serve as a preventive measure against diseases and health conditions are used. Chinese legend tells us that Ruby is "the stone of the famous" and that show you how to become known anywhere in the world. Chinese emperors added ruby and wherever inspiration. The Ruby is today by traditional Chinese doctors to stabilize blood pressure and cure all problems. It is also known,Chinese doctors for its ability to increase body heat.