Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bamboo - Discover the advantages of bamboo

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The bamboo plant is not just a simple plant that plays an important role in the lives of thousands of people and animals. One million people live in houses made of bamboo, for hundreds of thousands, the main source of revenue. The bamboo plant is the habitat of different animals, and for some it is also the only source of life.

The bamboo plants enjoy growing popularity. The advantages are compelling. Its tensile strength than steel. It grows very quickly and requires no maintenance. It isfastest growing grass, which makes it a very interesting resource. They chop it up and back faster than any other plant. It may also be able to grow very high, some plant species of bamboo grow 60 feet high.

After treatment, the bamboo wood is very hard, but it is also easy and very difficult. It's no wonder that bamboo plants are used in construction for centuries. The commercial value of bamboo is in billions every year. There are more than 1500 species of bamboo, butbe used commercially, only about 40 minutes.

Bamboo has been and will be used to build houses and bridges. It is used for the production of cabinets, furniture, rugs, mats, shade, fencing, art and many other things. It 'also used in medicine to treat various diseases. In China, the bamboo fibers were used to make paper.

Bamboo is very common in Asia, but their growing popularity in Europe and America is not a surprise. More and more people like bamboo in their gardens, for example. Grows in a compactand quickly and is always green. That makes it a perfect fence, natural and inexpensive.

His strength and appearance makes it valuable for bamboo flooring as well. Although not always cheap, bamboo flooring is available alternatives and, in a wide range.

Bamboo is a grass very durable. It needs no care and spreads easily. All you have to do is provide enough water and cut again, if they grow too high or too spread. If you keep the bamboo in your garden, do a little 'notAdvanced Search. There are different types of bamboo and once planted, can be difficult to remove.

And you can not forget the installation of Lucky Bamboo. In China, it can be found in almost every family, according to the legend, brings happiness to the bearer and pulls to the point where it is. But wait. Lucky bamboo is not bamboo, but only a simple tree house. However, it seems that this bamboo and since it brings luck, we continue to seek fortuneBamboo.

Unfortunately, the bamboo plants are in danger, because the growing population, the main reason for the reduction of the forest of bamboo. Bamboo is a tough grass, and with the growing awareness of the benefits of bamboo plants should always be here.

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