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Are you happy in life? Really, you feel as if I was a happy man? It's not that you have a perfect life, but things always seem to work for you. Even the seemingly negative situations end turns into something better. They have great opportunities simply fall into your lap? Meet (attract) the right people in your life? If so, then you really are a lucky man, if not, you can quickly increase your luck.
A few days ago I was in a cafeShop with a friend. Sitting in a deep blue upholstered chair, I heard my friend talk about how my life is lucky. I never thought of before, but thought it was right. I put my coffee scented with cinnamon and curled up in my chair, in the process and digest his compliments.
Shortly after, I said that I found a topic for my article in this month requirement. He immediately said, "Why do not you write a person, as happy!" I chuckled tome, because I never thought that thought in a million years, but it felt so intuitively right. I knew that the universe just winked at me with a confirmation.
He said goodbye, hugged me and left his empty cup still dripping ceramic foam next to my chair. All around me were whispering in my ear table conversations. I still sinking deeper into my chair and began to write. I must have been poured into a trance, because the article on a single chargefrom my soul and my laptop. I wrote the first draft in less than two hours. Wow, what luck for me, as I initially thought I would need the whole weekend to write about.
Whether you think you are lucky or not, most people think that happiness is not real or at best a random activity that can be developed, selected or not. You would think that people stumble into good things by accident. How do you explain when a friend called last minute with freeTickets for a sold out show to see you die? Or, if you turn to go home quickly, because he "forgot something" and a long lost friend is standing at the door, but had no way to contact you, if not hope to stop and if were at home. And 'this a coincidence or something much more magical?
I think a happy person is always easier when people understand the characteristics of these blessed. Consider for a moment the luck is not random after all! There is aattitudinal structure underlying every person happy. And who is wiling to change their mental-emotional habits can increase their luck and be happy.
The British study showed that more fortunate people have in common with each course. They discovered a group of four qualities that distinguish them from the "unfortunate". The interesting thing is that people who have developed these attitudinal qualities started to increase their happiness veryfast!
Four degrees of lucky people
Lucky first people aware and present. Pay attention to the present, not the past (disappointment) employs the thought or fear of the future (fear). Of course I choose to live in the present moment. This allows them to recognize and seize new opportunities, rather than distracted, confused or simply do not know.
2. They value their "intuition" means "logic and reason." They tend toVista is the "big picture" and the details of the "small picture" in their lives. They are open to an intuitive sense of possibility (bigger picture) and how they fit into their current situation. If you are not locked into the details still have dreams for the future. Instead, we bring together these two perceptions, awareness of the big and small screen, the possibility and the actuality of their lives together. This gives them the opportunity to set goals and make a planwork.
Third fortunate have a positive relationship with the future. Are you optimistic about the unknown (future) rather than anxious. Although not all the answers, I am naturally optimistic and open. They refuse to what could go wrong and instead fantasizing about "what can go right," focusing. They feel positive even though there appear to be negative. In a nutshell ... do not let the negativity in the way of their plans and dreams to achieve.
4. Are self-the authority and responsibility. They refuse to hang in feelings of helplessness, apathy or self-pity. They do not believe that life is happening to them, nor are they a victim of circumstances. They know what they think and feel about themselves and future issues. They believe that the opportunities are a direct consequence of their attitude, thoughts, feelings and actions. In other words, they embrace their inner power and choose to live their lives with the responsibility.
The study alsoshowed that the lucky older men had enough social circles. You can make friends quickly and are socially connected to their community. They are naturally outgoing, because like a lot and tend to be non-judgmental. It is involved with their communities. They believe that people tend naturally good, nice and caring, it shall be for individual people.
Want to Get Lucky?
At first this may seem to be a big demand. The truth is, you canAlmost immediately, you increase your happiness, just by reading this article, and a choice for people depending on the quality of happiness. This is really a simple choice in one moment can shift and increase your energy into the realm of happiness. This article should only be 10 minutes or so to read ... lucky you!
Many times in my life I have experienced how quickly I was able to reverse a negative situation - literally in mid-sentence - by changing my attitude and my hugPower. I think the minute to stop pretending to feel powerless, and stop as a sacrifice, the miracle started in the rain in your life. I've seen over and over again, and I've seen others who have decided to live in the magic of life.
Four secrets to increase your fortune and happiness:
1) Embrace and accept yourself and your life as it is. The good, the bad, the ugly and beautiful, everyone accepts what is happening inYour life, good and bad. Stop fighting and to accept a decision, rather than things as they are, rather than a desire to be different. Acceptance creates the space for change and healing to come.
They feel more comfortable when you begin to accept themselves and, of course, to relax in social situations. A quick way to do this is to choose to believe that the world is a friendly place. And 'here to support you and your dreams. Unfortunate people believe that the world is "out ofthey get. "What the world is right? Whatever you choose to believe is in the world are true for you! Both worlds are possible, but only one will be your reality. Choose wisely.
2) Your intuition and open your heart to feel a greater intimacy. There is much more going on around you who listen, never in your consciousness to understand. Your mind filters out over 50% of the experience with you is happening now. But it is under your awareness your subconsciouscontinuously gather clues about your future and the possibilities that exist. This is called your intuition. If intuition blend with the intimacy, the experience of a deeper connection with yourself and others. You will know what to make decisions and why. I am wiser and more intelligent. Opening your heart will improve your intuition and deepen your sense of purpose. This leads naturally to increase your chances of happiness and good fortune of expansion.
3 DoCompassion for your car. admit the truth, you are powerful. Embracing a flexible positive attitude about yourself and your life. You know that and have done so before. Lemons can be made into lemonade, if you change your attitude. You can learn about themselves from the worst disaster. If you start to look on the bright side in the dark clouds of life, luck will improve rapidly. What you focus on expands. So being strong in all the attention and goodSituations.
Fourth meditate regularly. If I decide I had to work that I felt lucky luck would have caught and meditation. Looking back at my life, I realize that learning to meditate as a teenager was a major turning point in my life. It has changed dramatically. My happiness accelerate once I learned to meditate and relax regularly. I fully believe that meditation opens the door to a happy and luckyLife.
How Meditation Improves your happiness
- Meditation increases self-esteem and self-acceptance.
- Meditation provides a way to relax body and mind in a hurry.
- Deepens meditation improves intimacy, empathy.
- Meditation and reduces critical judgmentalness.
- Meditation can foster a deeper sense of belonging.
- Meditation strengthens your imagination and improve your ability to visualize.
- Meditation opens your opinion onPossibility of your potential.
- Meditation is a positive relationship in the future.
- Meditation promotes positive feelings of hope, peace and good expectations.
- Meditation improves your relationship with yourself and your world.
In most studies on mental health, are those who meditate regularly (at least three times a week), less nervous, anxious, depressed, and much less irritable, controlling, or inhibited. Were more sociable,self-confidence, positive feeling about themselves and the future, were compared to those emotionally stable, independent, non-meditators in the study.
I hope you read this article again many times and let the truth contained in it, sink deep into your subconscious. This will help to change attitudes and take more chances and more happiness in your life. Feel free to forward this to a friend. Notify me via e-mail for any commentsTheir experiences of happiness.