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Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac and the constellation of Cancer. People Born June 22 to July 22 fall into this category. This is essentially a watermark and the ruling planet of the moon. The symbol of this sign is a crab who think fast and people's lives through cancer. The people of this zodiac sign are sensitive, protective, emotional and very confident. They love to spend time with his family and friends. The Zodiac is also known as the paradox of the twelve zodiac signs you in the calendar.
Personality Traits
positive traits: You are very emotional, self-confident, imaginative, sympathetic, protective clothing, smart, friendly, mature, attentive and patient.
negative traits: You're moody, impulsive, sometimes emotional and very sensitive. If you have a serious relationship then it will be extremely difficult to let go.
Key points about cancer
> Lucky stone: Pearl and Opal
Lucky Color: yellow and white
Lucky Metal: Silver
Ruling planet: Moon
Element: Water
lucky days: Sunday and Monday
Lucky Number: 2,7,11, 16, 20, 25
Mode: Cardinal
Love relations
When it comes to love the crabs are very vulnerable and sensitive. If the relationship is not strong then be easily injured. I am a true romanticHeart and truly love and protect their loved ones with a vengeance. They feel insecure very easy to understand why their partner needs in order to ensure a regular basis. I am very prone to mood swings and can also be very manipulative, in certain situations. They like calm with those who truly love.
I want to tell you that is a sign that money is because all the people who belong to this character to earn a lot of lovemoney. Some great career options for the crabs are a banker, nurse, doctor, builder, teacher, actor, astrologer and cooks.
Health concerns
The disease is cancer, said that after the sign of a star is because people who belong to it must take great care of his liver, breast, stomach, breast, reproductive organs and the uterus are called.
Crabs are most compatible with Gemini, Virgo, Taurus and Pisces.
I'm sureThis article might help you get some good information about cancer horoscope.